Startright Pre-School Newsletter December 2022

It’s been a busy term and we still have a few weeks left!

A few key dates for you to pop in to your diary:
Christmas Play takes place on 5th December at 11am and you’re all invited. We will share more details soon.
Christmas Jumper Day is on 8th December and we are asking every child to bring in £1 that we will send to Save the Children.
Our Christmas Party will be on 16th December at 11am and all children are invited! We have lots of fun in store.
Your child’s end of term report and 2 year check have been uploaded on to Babysdays. Please ensure you check it thoroughly and sign to say you have read it.

Pre-School finishes on 16th December at 3pm. We will return on 10th January 2023 (9th January is an inset day for staff training).

Take care,

Mrs BJ and the Pre-School Team

A big Startrite welcome to Shamintha and Ciaran who have joined us at Pre-School. We hope you are having fun as you settle in with your new friends.

Important Notice for Funded Children
From January we will be implementing a daily fee for all funded children to cover the cost of all consumables. This is a minimal charge of £3.50 a session for those who receive 15 funded hours a week and £7 a session for those who receive 30 funded hours a week.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions.