Startright Pre-School Newsletter November 2019


It was lovely to see so many of you at Parent’s Evening last week – the children have settled in brilliantly and I hope you enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful progress they have made. If you were unable to attend parents evening, please arrange a convenient time with Mrs BJ to speak to your child’s key person.

We are planning a ‘Grandparents Morning’ shortly after half term so please look out for the date announcement on Facebook and on our Pre-School Notice Board.

If you need to get in touch with Mrs BJ please use the following contact details:
Telephone: 07903 565246

Team Member of the Month
Congratulations to Miss Lavinia for being voted October’s Team Member of the Month – our monthly award at Pre-School where we celebrate our amazing team and reward those that go the extra mile. A very well deserved award.

Buttons, our Pre-School bear, will be going home with a different child every weekend. Please record all your adventures in the diary along with some photos so we can all enjoy looking at them when you return him.

Harvest Festival
During this year’s Harvest Week we will be making donations to our local food bank. We will be filling shoe boxes with canned meat, fish and fruit, pasta and rice, cereals, soup, sauces etc…
Please donate what you can. The Vicar from St James’ Church will be coming in to Pre-School to talk to the children and read a story about harvest.

Extra Sessions
We still have some spaces at Pre-School. If you would like your children to do any extra sessions please speak to Mrs BJ.

My Baby’s Days
Please don’t forget to check our online diary ‘My Baby’s Days’ to see what your child has been doing during their session at Pre-School. We’d love to see your comments too. If you need your log-in details again please speak to Mrs BJ.

Library Visit
We will all be enjoying a trip to the local library later this month and we will be taking the public bus.
This is part of the children’s learning and development – exploring the world and environment around them.

Weekly Themes
4th November 2019 – My senses
11th November 2019 – What I can see
18th November 2019 – What I can taste and smell
25th November 2019 – What I can hear

Dates for your DiaryAutumn Term 2019

Second Half Term
Monday 4th November – Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Holiday Thursday 19th December – Monday 6th January 2020