September Newsletter 2017

A warm welcome back to you all from the holiday, hope it was refreshing and you have returned invigorated for the new session. We will also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new parents and children joining us this year. There is hope that you settle very easily into the Startright family and find the atmosphere and services provided  align with your expectations.

With the exit of MsMcEvoy before the holidays and Ms Wheatley during the summer holiday, joining our team are Mrs Dhanani, Mrs Shah and Ms Ronnie.  Mrs Dhanani is our new room leader; she has Level 4 Diploma in Montessori with 13 years’ experience in the Early years sector. We wish them a pleasant time with us at Startright.

In accordance with the standards of Startright, we will be implementing some measures to increase not only your childs’ experience but also your experience with us. Every child has been assigned a keyperson who will diligently monitor their progress over the year through regular observation. Please feel free to contact your childs’ keyperson at any time throughout the year. The name of your child’s keyperson is on the last page of the newsletter.


Separation Anxiety


This is to be expected after a long weekend, long vacation, arrival of new baby, before during or after moving home. Children will naturally feel anxious about separating from their parents or a primary care giver to whom they are attached. The beginning of school year is also a number one cause of separation anxiety in children. Be rest assured that your child is in safe hands and will be well looked after by our trained staff members. If at all your child is not settling, we know you are only a phone call away and won’t hesitate to call you to come in.


Parents Evening


We are trying out a parent evening this term, as against the parent keyworker week we normally have. We are of the opinion that this will give more parent the opportunity to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss your child/childrens’ progress and any concerns you may have; please keep the date in your diary. The date for this terms parent evening is Tuesday the 17th of October. More information will be sent nearer the date.


Online daily journal/diary


For our new parents, we will like you to know that we have a daily online diary that we use to communicate with you. The online diary will inform you of what your child has done at the preschool daily with pictures uploaded.


Half Term themes


Our themes for this half term are as follows:

1st Week-   Welcoming Children

2nd Week – All About Me

3rd Week- Families/Homes

4th Week – Colours

5th Week – Numbers

6th Week – Letter/Phonics Sounds

7th Week – Introduction of the Village


Tennis and Football


The preschool have external coaches for both football and tennis who come in once a week. Tennis takes place every Monday while football takes place on Tuesday. This is optional but would encourage you to get your child to participate as they through these activities learn turn taking, listening, communication and language as well as develop their gross motor skills. I have attached a form to this newsletter, kindly fill and return to preschool as soon as possible.




Due to limited spaces, we advise that you fill the attached form indicating what additional sessions you would like your child to attend both in Spring and Summer term. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The form must be returned by Friday 16th Sep. Children who are not able to get allocated will be put on the waiting list.




From January 2018, the session fee will be £25 per session. This is the first time we are increasing the fee in 3 years. Invoice will be issued next week, you can pay monthly, half termly or termly. To avoid the late payment charge of 10%, kindly endeavour to bring your payment up to date by the end of the term.




Children who attend morning sessions can stay for lunch till 1pm at an additional cost of £5. Please talk to me if you’d like your child to stay for lunch at anytime. Children staying for lunch should come to preschool with their packed lunch. The lunch must be nut free because of children with nut allergy.


Reading Club


The preschool have a reading club which lends 2 books to children each week. We encourage you to read with them. Reading with children improves the bond between parent and child and also results in early communication and language development. You can write about what your child likes about the books in the comment section of the online diary and let us know what their favourite books and characters are. Kindly ensure that the books are returned in good order at the end of each week. PLEASE DON’T SEND THE BOOKS IN EVERYDAY. Book donations are welcome.




We advise that you dress the children in comfortable clothing . Please make sure all clothings, bags water bottles, shoes, lunch boxes etc are clearly labelled to avoid loss of these items.


Term Dates


Term dates for the year have been attached to this newsletter. Kindly keep in a safe place for reference




We ask that parents do not hesitate to volunteer their time and skill to the pre-school so please always speak to us should you desire to hold a session with the children or simply help out for the day.

Funded Children


Kindly request a funding form if your child is eligible for either 15hours or 30 hours this term.


Notice Board

The preschool notice board is the second right from the entrance of the building downstairs. Feel free to check update information about the preschool on the notice board.




We need parent volunteer to cheer the PTA and help us manage events including fund raising etc. Please talk to Mrs Rachael if you’ll like to help


Once again we welcome you all and look forward to an exciting term.


Extra-Curricular Activities:


Please fill and return the form below form by Monday 11th September ticking one or both boxes in the form: Click to download Extra-Curricular Activities Form