Startright Pre-School Newsletter October 2021


Our new children have settled in brilliantly to Pre-School. It was lovely meeting you all during our home visits and we thank you for welcoming us so warmly.

As I am sure you are aware we have a case of chicken pox and hand, foot and mouth at Pre-School. I understand that some of you are concerned that we share this information with you but we have a duty of care to let parents/ carers know so you can look for signs and symptoms with your own children. These are both common childhood illnesses and can be treated at home in the majority of cases. We wish the children who are currently unwell a speedy recovery.

Many of you won’t have been inside Pre-School for a while due to the new drop off and pick up procedures. We’d therefore like to invite you to our new Parent Workshops at 5.30-6.30pm on 20th October and 17th November 2021. You’ll have the opportunity to walk around looking at the children’s artwork as well as speaking to the team about your child’s development. We’ll be discussing balanced diets and oral health and you’ll get the chance to see Pre-School through the eyes of the children. We’d love to see as many of you as possible at these workshops.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs BJ

Buttons is back! For those of you who don’t know, Buttons is our Pre-School bear that loves to go on adventures every weekend with a different child. We love seeing the pictures and reading all about what Buttons and the children get up to in Buttons’ diary.

Warm Clothing
As the weather is changing again please dress your child in warm clothes as we will still be spending lots of time outside. It will soon be time for hats and gloves – please remember to label all items.

Parents Evening
Our Parents Consultation Evening will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 10th November from 6pm-7pm. The link will be posted on the Parent/ Teacher WhatsApp.

International Week
We will be celebrating an International Week at Pre-School from 18th October and we’d love to see your children come dressed in clothes that represent their heritage. Understanding of the world is a big part of the EYFS and events like these really support your child’s learning.

Library Books
Every week your child will choose two books from our library to bring home to enjoy. Please spend time reading these books with your child.

Weekly  Themes
Oct 4th – 8th – My favourite pet
Oct 11th – 15th – Where I live
Oct 18th – 22nd – International Week/ Halloween
Oct 25th – 29th – HALF TERM

Autumn Term 2021
First Half Term
Monday 6th  September – Inset Day
Tuesday 7th September – Welcome Back Children
Half Term
Monday 25th October – Friday 29th October 2021

Second Half Term
Monday 1st November – Thursday 17th December Friday
Christmas Holiday
Monday 20th December – Friday 7th January 2022

Baby’s Days 
Please remember to check Baby’s Days every day as the team upload photos and messages after every session. We really appreciate your feedback on your child’s observations so please continue to this. If your child is new to Pre-School we will send your log in details shortly.